Most hated area in programming. Anyways here you go few important examples.
1) given 32 bit integer, swap ith and jth positions
swap(int n,int i,int j)
if( (n & 1<<i)>>i ^ (n & (i<<j))>>j) ) // if bits i and j are different
n^= 1<<i;
n^= 1<<j;
return n;
2) check 9th bit ser or not
return (number & (position - 1 ) ;
3) To find the number of zeros in an integer
int zerocount(int n)
int ctr = 0 ;
while (n>0) {
ctr = ctr + !(n & 1 ) ;
n = n << 1 ;
return ctr ;
4) ip string to integer
uint ip2int(char *str)
uint x = 0 ;
char *tok = strtok(str, ".") ;
for (i=3; tok != NULL; i--) {
ans |= atoi(tok) << (8*i)) ;
tok = strtok(tok, ".") ;
return tok ;
5) MSB of a number
int IsMSB(int x)
if (x & 0x8000)
printf("msb = 1") ;
printf("msb = 0") ;
6) count bits
int count(uint x)
int i ;
while (x) {
x = x & (x-1) ;
i++ ;
return i ;
7) result = a?b:c
result = !!a * b + !a * c;
8) #define mysize(x) ((char*) &x+1) - ((char*) &x) ;
9) multiply by power of 2
n << 2 ;
10) set a bit
unsigned char a = a | (1<<n) ;
11) clear a bit
unsigned char b = b & ~(1<<n) ;
12) toggle a bit
unsigned char c = c ^ (1<<n) ;
13) test a bit
unsigned d = c & (1<<n) ;
14) right most bit
uchar right = val & 0xff ;
uchar left = (val>8) & 8 ;
1) given 32 bit integer, swap ith and jth positions
swap(int n,int i,int j)
if( (n & 1<<i)>>i ^ (n & (i<<j))>>j) ) // if bits i and j are different
n^= 1<<i;
n^= 1<<j;
return n;
2) check 9th bit ser or not
return (number & (position - 1 ) ;
3) To find the number of zeros in an integer
int zerocount(int n)
int ctr = 0 ;
while (n>0) {
ctr = ctr + !(n & 1 ) ;
n = n << 1 ;
return ctr ;
4) ip string to integer
uint ip2int(char *str)
uint x = 0 ;
char *tok = strtok(str, ".") ;
for (i=3; tok != NULL; i--) {
ans |= atoi(tok) << (8*i)) ;
tok = strtok(tok, ".") ;
return tok ;
5) MSB of a number
int IsMSB(int x)
if (x & 0x8000)
printf("msb = 1") ;
printf("msb = 0") ;
6) count bits
int count(uint x)
int i ;
while (x) {
x = x & (x-1) ;
i++ ;
return i ;
7) result = a?b:c
result = !!a * b + !a * c;
8) #define mysize(x) ((char*) &x+1) - ((char*) &x) ;
9) multiply by power of 2
n << 2 ;
10) set a bit
unsigned char a = a | (1<<n) ;
11) clear a bit
unsigned char b = b & ~(1<<n) ;
12) toggle a bit
unsigned char c = c ^ (1<<n) ;
13) test a bit
unsigned d = c & (1<<n) ;
14) right most bit
uchar right = val & 0xff ;
uchar left = (val>8) & 8 ;